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parking lot cleaning

Parking Lot Cleanup

Central Kentucky Parking Lot Cleanup Service

A & A Commercial Cleaning in Lexington, KY provides parking lot cleanup services for businesses and after events throughout Central Kentucky. It’s a giv­en that busi­ness­es must main­tain clean, san­i­tary inte­ri­ors to retain cus­tomers and main­tain a great rep­u­ta­tion. But cus­tomers care about more than just what’s inside. A park­ing lot is the first thing a cus­tomer encoun­ters before enter­ing a busi­ness, and the state of this exte­ri­or space can encour­age or dis­cour­age some­one from com­ing inside. On top of that, a dirty, debris-filled park­ing lot can attract pests and rodents, cre­at­ing a safe­ty haz­ard for employ­ees and cus­tomers alike. There­fore, main­tain­ing a clean park­ing lot is cru­cial for a business’s over­all suc­cess.

Our Services Include

  • Litter and Trash Removal
  • Sweeping and Cleaning
  • After Event Services
  • General Cleaning
removing garbage from a parking lot

At A & A Commercial Cleaning, we cov­er every aspect of park­ing lot clean­ing. This includes reg­u­lar trash and debris removal, sweep­ing, pow­er wash­ing, after care event services, and more. By clear­ing away lit­ter, we help keep the lot acces­si­ble and visu­al­ly appeal­ing. Main­tain­ing a clean lot and pro­vid­ing more garbage and recy­cling bins near the store­front also dis­cour­ages peo­ple from throw­ing their trash on the ground. Our waste removal ser­vices will ensure that trash cans get emp­tied before they over­flow and spill into the lot.

Over time, dirt, debris, and mois­ture can cause a park­ing lot to dete­ri­o­rate. A frac­tured, bumpy park­ing lot isn’t just an eye­sore, but can also cause dam­age to vehi­cles as well as lead to trip­ping haz­ards. We use high-pow­ered clean­ing equip­ment to remove dust, dirt, debris, and bac­te­ria from the asphalt or con­crete. Contact A&A Commercial Cleaning today today schedule your parking lot cleanup services today!

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Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive janitorial service with A&A Commercial Cleaning!